Firearm Training
Strategic Security Intelligence Training offers professional firearm training in high-quality facilities across Europe.
Conducted by a highly-trained, ex-military specialist, our bespoke training packages are available for basic, intermediate and advanced skill sets.

Safe & Secure
We work hard to show you how to operate firearms safely and securely. From demonstrating the basic fundamentals of operating a firearm to more advanced training options, our professional trainers are renowned for specialist, expert training courses throughout Europe.

Firearm Courses
Introduction to working with firearms. After the completion of this course the student will be able to demonstrate safe, efficient, rapid and precise firearm utilisation.
Course duration: 20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

- safety principles and rules. The 4 basic rules and the "muzzle before flesh" concept
- Construction and functioning of the firearms. Disassembly and reassembly
- The grip
- The stance (isosceles)
- trigger control,
- Trinity of sight alignment: acquisition, alignment and hold
- sight picture - the focus
- breath control,
- The follow-through
- Transfer of the 7 fundamentals into the subconscious mind and automatism building through the "acclamation drill" developed by T. Haley.
- The "double tap"
- The "workspace" and the main principles of rapid and precise weapon manipulation bio-mechanics: kinaesthesia, anchoring, economy of movement, strong lines vs. weak angles, consistency, continuity
- Kinaesthetic alignment and the natural point of aim
- Shooting cadence as a function of required precision (target size and distance) and the trigger reset
- Neuro-muscular temporisation drill for improved trigger control
- The human eye performance and limitations - sight picture under stress
- Coordination of breathing and trigger reset for precision shooting
- Working from the holster - Correct choice and placement of equipment
- The FDSA module (fast draw/speed aim)
- Reloads (admin / emergency / tactical)
- The "Mozambique drill"
The shooting techniques taught will enable the student to apply the skills learned in the basic pistol module to a practical dynamic combat environment.
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
To access this course you must successfully have completed the Basic Pistol course module
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

- The "SUL” position for team safety
- Dealing with multiple threats, tactical prioritisation/tactical sequence. Techniques enabling fast and accurate transitioning between targets - "El Presidente" drill.
- Stages (courses of live fire) incorporating all elements taught and enabling smooth and fluid practical application of the learned techniques in a dynamic environment.
- Different shooting positions and smooth transitions while shooting between: standing/ squatting / kneeling/prone/ supine / fetus
- Working with cover: types of cover, efficient use of cover, “slicing the pie” technique
- Shooting on the move: forward, back, lateral
- Reaction to threat from any direction, the correct and safe way to turn to face and engage the threat individually/2-man team/ small team.
Objective: Operator resilience - this course will enable the student to operate in a hostile environment and remain efficient by overcoming unfavourable factors. It will also enable the student to operate safely as part of a team.
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
To access this course you must successfully complete the Intermediate Pistol course module
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

- one handed shooting (dominant and non-dominant hand)
- Types of firearm malfunctions and clearing techniques.
- One-handed malfunction clearing
- Shooting with wet hands
- The "Hostile Crowd" drill
- Dynamic shooting under stress and overcoming distracting factors
- Dynamic shooting after physical effort with an elevated heart beat, in an anaerobic state
- Sharp mind live fire exercises
- Instinctive shooting
- Blind-folded rapid disassembly and assembly of firearms. Blind-folded malfunction clearing.
- Introduction to operating as part of a team
Combined Firearm
Objective: safe and efficient utilisation and integration of both long and short firearms in a primary/secondary weapon equipment set-up.
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range.
To access this course you must successfully complete the Advanced Pistol course module
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

- working with 2 weapon systems, demonstration of advantages
- The "when" and the "why" theory and practice.
- Long firearm rapid and precise aiming techniques
- Long firearm utilisation in tight spaces
- Principle of consistency and differences in utilising primary vs. secondary - all firing positions and postures, with and without cover
- The transition from primary to secondary
- The recovery from secondary to primary
- Primary weapon manipulation, the work space for the long firearm. Reloads, malfunction clearing
- Working with 2 weapon systems safely as part of a team.
Urban Environment
Small team tactics course
Objective: to enable the operator to work safely and efficiently as part of a fire team in a combat environment
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
To access this course you must successfully complete the Combined firearms course module
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

⁃ Patrol and combat formations
⁃ Team movement
⁃ Covering the arcs during team movement in open field and urban environment
⁃ Communication in a team- verbal, tactile and by hand signals
⁃ Reaction to a threat from any direction as a team
⁃ Reaction to man down / other team member's weapon malfunction
⁃ Fire and maneuver during assault/retreat
⁃ Suppressive fire - purpose and technique
⁃ Flanking assault on enemy position with frontal cover - fire team split
⁃ Protection of the team from lateral openings while moving
⁃ Two man team techniques
⁃ Weapon malfunctions when working as part of a team. The check/ok/ready drill
⁃ Winning the firefight - considerations and concept - ammunition is time, fire power and momentum is the key.
⁃ Team immediate actions after the fight to maintain combat readiness
CQB course module 1
Objective: to enable the operator to work safely and effectively as part of a team in a close-quarters combat environment
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
To access this course you must successfully complete the Small team Tactics course module
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:

⁃ team movement in confined spaces
⁃ Tactical versus dynamic approach
⁃ Angles on doors
⁃ Angles and corners in a room
⁃ Exposure avoidance and safe weapon manipulation in confined spaces while working as part of a team (low ready, sul, high ready, short-sticking)
⁃ Closed door vs. open door
⁃ Simple room clearing as a team
CQB course module 2
Objective: to enable the operator to work safely and effectively as part of a team in a close quarters combat environment
Course duration:
20 hours split over 2 days in the firing range
To access this course you must successfully complete the CQB course module 1.
Topics contain but are not limited to the following:
⁃ Complex room with secondary entries
⁃ Team split for simultaneous cover/entries
⁃ Long hallways
⁃ Stairs
⁃ Elevated windows - simultaneous entry/cover
⁃ Wide/narrow doors and the classical versus Israelian entry
⁃ Weapon malfunctions when working as part of a team in confined spaces
⁃ Dynamic entry utilising flash-bangs - dry and live training