Strategic Security Intelligence Academy

Firearm & Intelligence Courses in UK & EU

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Training Specialists

Strategic Security Intelligence Training specialises in bespoke firearm and intelligence training packages across Europe.

Ideal for various clients in the UK and all over Europe, our training is administered by a team of qualified, experienced professionals.

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Ex-Military Knowledge

Led by an ex-military man from the special forces, our firearm training can be delivered in basic, intermediate, and advanced to suit your requirements. Throughout his 20 years of military experience, he has been deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many more locations. Utilising his breadth of knowledge with firearms, our qualified trainer delivers unique courses for various clients throughout Europe.

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Online Courses

With a wealth of expertise in intelligence, we are available to delver exceptional strategic and intelligence courses online, including surveillance, covert surveillance, countersurveillance, OSINT, and GPS Tracking.

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Firearm and Intelligence Courses in UK & EU

Enquire with Strategic Security Intelligence Training and secure a booking for our professional training packages today.